Latest news
- President Joe Biden orders US flags lowered in memory of former first lady Rosalynn Carter
- Trump has long praised autocrats and populists. He’s now embracing Argentina’s new president
- Suspects intentionally rear-ended victim’s car then kidnapped, beat him: Peel police
- Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo announces retirement after three decades in Congress
- Federal judge grants injunction banning ‘Kansas Two-Step’ Highway Patrol tactic
- Latest peace talks between Ethiopia’s government and Oromo militants break up without an agreement
- Maryland’s handgun licensing law has been struck down by a federal appeals court
- Search is on for pipeline leak after as much as 1.1 million gallons of oil sullies Gulf of Mexico
- Damage 'extensive' at Calumet Fisheries after fire
- Longhorn-themed lights show to dazzle the Drag this holiday season